December 1 – Christmas:  Prayer Labyrinth, “Mary’s Walk.” (Chapel) M-TH 9am-2pm & Sundays 8:30am-12pm
December 24@5pm (Family Service FAC), 7pm, 11pm (Traditional Services, Sanctuary) – Christmas Eve services.  
December 29@10am:  Combined Worship Service (Sanctuary).
January events
January 8@5:30pm – January Love Feast, hosted by MAF Sunday School Class & the Angel Quilters.
Serving:  Soup Night!  Come out and enjoy a host of Hearty Soup Selections

Trinity’s Focus

Vision Statement
          To be a vibrant community that reflects the kingdom of God through love and service to one another.
Mission Statement
          We are a witness to Jesus Christ in the community by building authentic relationships and leading through impactful service.

Latest News

          Trinity uses a T-Mail system to share all important church announcements. T-mails are a weekly email that comes from our church office with important news and updates. You can register for T-mails here.
          Please submit any T-Mail requests or questions to (tmail@mytrinity.org). Please be sure to add tmail@mytrinity.org as a safe sender in your email program. You may need to check your junk mail and spam filters for the confirmation email after you have subscribed.

Live Stream Worship Services

          You can now view each week’s online worship below. Each Sunday morning the 11:00 Worship service will appear both on Facebook Live and on this Website. The countdown is already present and counting down to Sunday morning. Join us in worship! You can view this and previous services by visiting our “Listen and Watch Services” page under the “Worship” heading. 



Worship Schedule

Online: 11:00 AM on Facebook & this Website in real time
Sundays at 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary
Sundays at 9:30 AM in the FAC, Rivers of Life
Sundays at 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary
*Childcare available

TUMC Facebook
