Children’s Sunday School
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Sunday School classes for children are held at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. Classes are based on school grade. The Deep Blue Curriculum is used and incorporates videos, worksheets, Bible stories and songs to reinforce learning.
4 year old & kindergarten children’s class
1st & 2nd grade children’s class
3rd & 4th grade children’s class
5th grade children’s class
Some History from our Sunday School
Carol Goerger was a Sunday School teacher for many years who, like so many other Trinity teachers through the years, created a nurturing learning environment for the scores of young children who passed through her classroom. Carol remembers, “I started teaching with Elizabeth Griffin in the Nursery in the 1970s and she involved me and many others in various children’s programs. Elizabeth had worked with children and adults for many years and knew how to get things done. We were never able to turn her down. The Church gave children Bibles when they were in the Third grade and I was able to teach them basics about the Bible and how to look up verses. They were excited about this new ability.”