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Celebration Ringers

The Celebrations Ringer is the church’s large ensemble handbell group. They ring on 3-octaves of Schulmerich bells. This dedicated group rehearses on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 in the bell room, This group is led by the Handbell Director, Tammera Missel, and is open to all. No previous musical training is required to participate in this group. Musical skills needed to ring the bells are taught during Tuesday night rehearsals.
Director of Handbells
Tammera Missel is a lifelong Methodist and has volunteered as Director of Handbells since June of 2014. Her passion for the handbells stemmed from her mother being a ringer. She is also a member of the Virginia Handbell Consort, a community handbell choir.

Previous Handbell Groups
DiscoveRING Joy is a group for the youngest of handbell and chime ringers. This children’s group rehearsed on Thursdays and was led by the Handbell Director, Tammera Missel. Children learned basic musicianship, note reading, rhythm counting, and performing in a small ensemble. This group was open to all children and no previous experience was required.

Resounding Joy was small ensemble handbell group. This quartet of ringers rang 3 octaves of bells while performing elaborate arrangements of beautiful church music. Rehearsals were on Wednesdays and were led by the Handbell Director, Tammera Missel.