Trinity Writer’s Group 2020 Holy Week



          Greetings! Welcome to the Trinity Writers’ Group collection of Holy Week writings. The index of writings is listed below. Click a title to read it. These pages are best viewed from a full screen computer or ipad. If you’re viewing this page from a phone, you will have to scroll below the “Index of Writings” to view the writing. You can also download a pdf copy of these writings.
by Pat Hall
          Lent was not a part of our church ritual when I was growing up. I don’t remember when I first heard it mentioned, but it must have been after I was married and became a member of Trinity. I don’t remember any activities or emphasis on Lent when my children were small. We looked forward to Easter with the Easter Lilies and the beautiful music. Only in the past few years has Lent become an integral part of the Easter celebration with the removal of flowers from our Sunday worship services and the encouragement of worshipers to participate in some way.
          At first it was suggested that those participating deny themselves in the old traditional way during Lent, to give up a favorite food or activity for that period of time. Now it is suggested and encouraged that we instead do some act of service for Lent, go the extra mile, to give of ourselves above and beyond our comfort zone as a way of showing our Thanks for Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross.
          The new way seems a far better way to honor Him. As He gave his Life for us, we should give to those in need, to do what we can to make a difference in the life of someone else, be it the homeless person on the corner, a neighbor going through chemo or the family down the road whose house burned. We can’t all go to Haiti or other mission trips, but we can all find a mission in our own Neighborhood, Town or County. I feel this is a much better way to observe Lent and remember that Christ died that I might have Life and have it more abundantly.