“SWITCH” Online Giving

Welcome to the “Switch” Online Giving Page
Trinity is switching from our old online giving platform to a new and better one!
This page is designed for the church members that have previously been donating money to Trinity UMC by using the “PushPay” or “Church App.” The “Church App” is powered by “PushPay,” so they are the same. Trinity will soon discontinue use of “PushPay” due to the exorbitantly high fees it charges. Church members who donate using “PushPay/Church App” are asked to please take the steps listed below.
Step 1:Stop all recurring giving transactions with PushPay. You can do this either in your MyTrinity App or directly at: https://pushpay.com/g/mytrinitysmithfield
Step 2: Re-Start all recurring giving transactions with our new online giving at: https://www.mytrinity.org/giving/
Our new online giving platform is done through Sharefaith. The online giving form is secure. Sharefaith has been the provider of many of Trinity’s technology needs for several years. Please email webmaster@mytrinity.org with for any needed assistance.